PASCALE SYKES FOUNDATION to Present Whole Family Approach at 2018 APHSA National Health and Human Services Summit
Frances P. Sykes, President of the Pascale Sykes Foundation, today announced the Foundation will host a panel on its Whole Family Approach at the 2018 American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) National Health and Human Services Summit on May 7, 2018. The event will be held May 6-9, 2018, at the Marriott Gateway Crystal City, in Arlington, VA.
Sykes and the Pascale Sykes Foundation’s Whole Family Approach took the national spotlight in 2017 when it hosted “Working Together For Working Families” at Cumberland Community College in Vineland, NJ. The one-day conference attracted more than 300 attendees, bringing together renowned family experts such as Mia Birdsong, Thaddeus Ferber, Majorie Sims, Joyce Thomas, David Smith and Anthony Cipollone, as well as famed New York Times Columnist David Brooks.
“The Whole Family Approach targets working, low-income families with two adults at the head of household and at least one adult employed,” said Sykes, whose Foundation has supported the integrity, independence and well-being of working, low-income families over the past 25 years. “The data from numerous studies as well as data from our grantees demonstrate that adults and children thrive best when there are two responsible, dependable, reliable adults working toward family well-being. Ideally it’s Mom and Dad. However, if that’s not possible, a close relative or friend could be integrally involved with the household, serving as a support for family members.”
The Whole Family Approach works with all family members, as they work to define, prioritize and achieve common goals for the family’s well-being. Just as one adult cannot do it alone, one agency cannot do it alone, either. Thus, the Whole Family Approach relies on multi-agency, collaborative efforts, with collaborative members working together to develop one common mission, common calendar and offerings of varied services. Data sharing and frequent communication are essential to effectively serve and strengthen families.
The panel, a case-based presentation that will be led by Sykes, will draw upon lessons learned from applying the Whole Family Approach in areas ranging from small towns in rural South Jersey to New York City’s urban-based environment.
Rich Nichols of Family Strengthening Network, which operates in the three poorest counties of New Jersey, will speak to how their collaboration utilizes “family advocates” to assist whole families in structuring the plans needed to successfully achieve financial, relationship and child well-being goals.
Paula Sarro of Familia Adelante/Families Forward will discuss the process by which four agencies came together to successfully form their collaboration, while developing a common mission and establishing procedures for collaborative operations, inter-agency communication and data sharing.
As part of the 90-minute panel, 10 minutes will be allotted for questions by the moderator and the floor and answers by the panel members.
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