Unidos Para La Familia or United for the Family
The ESL classes have gone well and just completed their second year. We are thankful for the building that First Baptist Church continues to allow us to use and for all of the volunteers who make this possible. Over the past year, we have had four different individuals become citizens! Recently, Revive South Jersey received a grant from the Pascale Sykes Foundation to start a program working together with the Family Strengthening Network, Pathstone and the Mexican-American Association to serve immigrant families in the Bridgeton area. The collaborative, Unidos Para La Familia, will provide holistic, family-strengthening services targeting members of the immigrant population, but open to the entire community, and based on needs/goals they help identify. Some needs our collaborative have identified through community input and statiscal analysis are: conversational ESL classes, parenting instruction, educational advocacy, citizenship, general awareness of rights and obligations for living in the US, and GED and soft skill training for initial and better employment. These services will help individuals enhance life skills to obtain a new job or promotion, to properly advocate for and participate in the education of their children, to support parents in developing strategies for the care of their children and to train community leaders. The collaborative will provide advocacy for individuals and their families who need help with setting and meeting their individualized goals and will provide partner churches with the opportunity to help meet the needs identified by families and advocate(s). As families are strengthened and community leadership develops, community needs, such as healthier eating and overcrowded homes, will be addressed through innovative, community-driven solutions. This is an exciting new venture and we are looking for volunteers who are willing to help serve and help this program grow!
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